Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Baby piglets!

It gets so hard to update all of the time, we are so busy keeping up with life.
Today was a special day, we were able to go visit with some hours old baby pigs, 11 to be exact!! We are so blessed and thankful to have the opportunity to be schooling at home and be able to experience such amazing things!
The owners of this little farm are close friends, they also grow organically and we will be able to help as well as get the organic produce which is a large part of Holden's restrictive diet, what he can eat is generally organic because otherwise they add waxes and other random things to our food.
We are looking forward to spring, I just hope I still find the time to visit here! :)

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Homeschooling=No Snow Days!

We received a measurable amount of beautiful snow last night, sadly for Sara that does not mean she gets a snow day. I think just for fun we will take it easy today so we can enjoy the snow! :) Sara has been working so hard lately, she makes me so proud every day!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

We had a wonderful Christmas and New Years, enjoyed our break. We hope everyone had a healthy and happy Christmas and New Years as well, back to routine tomorrow!

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Love the Holden man!! I don't know if there is another child that loves using dry erase markers as much as Holden! I think some new dry erase books and markers will be a nice last minute add to Holden's Christmas gifts. :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Healthy kids and a loose tooth!

Glad to report both kiddos are feeling better and almost back to 100%! Holden's head seems to have healed, scabbed and the scab has fallen off. I have not been that worried in a long time and I am so glad to see that over! We also found today that Sara has her very first loose tooth! She was answering questions for me and I could see her tooth was moving each time she spoke and it caught me off guard at first and I thought I was losing my mind! :P
School is going well. I have never been one to use food or candy as a reward for the kids but have started doing so for the first time with some phonics and skittles.. I am still trying to figure out Sara's best learning style with phonics. Sara HATES phonics and can whiz right through math but just can't wrap her head around some things in phonics. We are mostly learning to read at this point and while she is doing well I feel she can be doing better.
I am struggling with the whole multiple children/homeschool thing as well, last year was much easier because Holden was not so interested or interupptive.
We are looking forward to seeing the Nutcracker this Friday (which I thought was Thursday, oops!) and have spent some time learning exactly what it is about so Sara has a better understanding of what she is watching.
That is about all for this update. :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Update of sorts

I can't believe it has been so long since my last update!! Things are always busy around here though. Both Sara and Holden are now sick and Holden has an infection on his head which makes my concern for tetanus rise. Mommy is going crazy!! =) I know it is all in the Lord's hands but it is so hard sometimes to remember that when dealing with all we deal with, with Holden.

In school related news, Sara is doing wonderfully in math! She is such a math whiz.. we are always doing above and beyond what is planned for a day. Phonics is still a bit of a struggle for her but she is really coming along nicely.
Holden is learning along with her with a lot and has become quite the little artist!

We are about to start a week of learning about the Nutcracker before Sara and I go see a performance next Thursday. Sara is incredibly excited!! Sara will also be entering into a Gingerbread House contest next Friday, still trying to decide what we are going to do for the house.. lots of sitting home with the sick kiddos helps for planning though!!
And if that was not enough Sara and Holden will be in the Christmas program at our church which they are looking forward to! Sara has a line that she immediately memorized, Holden will be singing songs and I am concerned that he will not stay up on stage sing with his class.. that won't surprise me at all.

I think that is all I have for an update for now. :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


We have been busy, busy! We are looking forward to Thanksgiving and all of the reasons we have to be thankful. We are so very blessed!
We have decided to spend Thanksgiving home, just the 4 of us this year. Life gets so busy and our holidays are usually spent traveling all over the place so it will be really nice to stay at home and reflect on what we are all thankful for.
Sara is also looking forward to baking a lot of dessert tomorrow (Wednesday) as we invited our families and some very close friends over for dessert in the evening.
We are also really looking forward to our Thanksgiving Eve service at church, every year we have a service and a pie social afterward. We love our church and really enjoy the fellowship as well!
Wishing everyone that reads our a blog a very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!