Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Baby piglets!

It gets so hard to update all of the time, we are so busy keeping up with life.
Today was a special day, we were able to go visit with some hours old baby pigs, 11 to be exact!! We are so blessed and thankful to have the opportunity to be schooling at home and be able to experience such amazing things!
The owners of this little farm are close friends, they also grow organically and we will be able to help as well as get the organic produce which is a large part of Holden's restrictive diet, what he can eat is generally organic because otherwise they add waxes and other random things to our food.
We are looking forward to spring, I just hope I still find the time to visit here! :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. this is awesome! I love homeschooling for the same reason!!!
